Viktor Orban is starting a Crusade for Europe

Author: Szabolcs PANYI Original title: Orbán Viktor keresztes hadjáratot indít Európáért Publication:, Photo: MTI – Zoltán MÁTHÉ Date: 08:38 21/09/2015 Viktor Orban is starting a Crusade for Europe After diverging from the rule of law, creating a new constitution and laws on media in the first part of the decade, then talking about an illiberal state – which may be perceived … More Viktor Orban is starting a Crusade for Europe

“They will not be among the organisations receiving state subsidy” – this is how FIDESZ thanks the charity organization for their work

Author: Original title: „Nem tartozhat a közpénzzel támogatottak közé” – Így köszöni meg a Fidesz a segélyszervezet munkáját Publication:, Photo: MTI – Zoltán Gergely KELEMEN Date: 08:58 22/09/2015 “They will not be among the organisations receiving state subsidy” – this is how FIDESZ thanks the charity organization for their work Migration Aid has posed one single question to … More “They will not be among the organisations receiving state subsidy” – this is how FIDESZ thanks the charity organization for their work

Syrian fragment

Author: Gergely PÉTERFY Original title: Szír töredék Publication: Népszabadság, Photo: MTI – Sándor UJVÁRI Date: 19/09/2015 Syrian fragment The real question is why and how was it possible in post-war Western Europe to establish humanitarian values in the minds of the thirty- fortysomething generation in the past 25 years, how were the monsters raised by a thousand years of wars … More Syrian fragment

The refugee with the megaphone, arrested for an act of terrorism was, in fact, calming the crowd down at Röszke

Author: András JÁMBOR Original title: A terrorizmus miatt leültetett hangosbeszélős menekült valójában nyugtatta a tömeget Röszkén Publication:, Photo: MTI – Zsolt CZEGLÉDI Date: 11:57 20/09/2015 The refugee with the megaphone, arrested for an act of terrorism was, in fact, calming the crowd down at Röszke “The guy with the megaphone is called Jaszir. I was in the same cell as … More The refugee with the megaphone, arrested for an act of terrorism was, in fact, calming the crowd down at Röszke